Information about Hummantarian Development Organisatioan (HDO) : | |
Location/Address : | 051-2300900, 2301000, |
Phone number : | 051-2300900, 2301000, |
Website URL : | |
Email : | Contact Hummantarian Development Organisatioan (HDO) |
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Brief Description : HDO, Humanitarian Development Organization was established in year 2009 and started its operations from Islamic Republic of Pakistan. HDO began the process of making all our country programmes equal partners with an equal say on how we operate. HDO is a non-political organization whose fundamental aim is to safeguard the moral, social and economic welfare of old people, women and children in Pakistan by providing them social rights, welfare and education. HDO is also working in environmental protection issues. Our partners range from small community support groups to national alliances and international networks. Our work with these national and international campaign networks highlights the issues that affect poor people and influences the way governments and international institutions think. HDO analyzes deep and constant structures of power and dissects rapidly-growing issues and crises. HDO's work challenges conventional thinking and questions straight wisdom. We seek democratic, cooperative, peaceful and sustainable solutions to the Pakistan's great problems.